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Pushdown Automata

Main Source:

  • Book chapter 3.1, 3.2
  • Neso Academy playlist 85-89
  • Neso Academy playlist 91-93


A finite automaton has a very limited memory to keep track its computation. If we were to design an automaton that determine the length of string, a finite automaton wouldn't work. Pushdown Automata (PDA) is the extension of finite automaton that has more memory, specifically a stack memory with the LIFO principle. A PDA recognizes context-free languages governed by context-free grammar. Similar to finite automaton, it can either accept or reject the language.

Component of PDA:

  • Input file/tape: Contains the input symbols that the PDA reads from left to right.
  • Finite state control: The control unit of the PDA that determines its state.
  • Pushdown store: It's the stack that is used to store symbols from the input tape. It has infinite size, and it allows for two stack operations: push (adding a symbol to the stack) and pop (removing the top symbol from the stack).

Pushdown automata's components
Source: Book page 160

Formal Definition

Formally, a PDA is defined as 7 tuples: P=(Q,Σ,Γ,δ,q0,z0,F)P = (Q, \Sigma, \Gamma, \delta, q_0, z_0, F)

  • QQ is the finite set of states.
  • Σ\Sigma is the finite set of input alphabet/symbols.
  • Γ\Gamma (uppercase gamma) is the finite stack alphabet.
  • δ:Q×(Σϵ)×ΓQ×Γ\delta: Q \times (\Sigma \cup {\epsilon}) \times \Gamma \rightarrow Q \times \Gamma* is the transition function, where Q×ΓQ \times \Gamma^* represent a power set. The power set contains all the possible combination of the pair of states and stack contents.
  • q0q_0 is the initial or start state.
  • ZZ is the initial or start stack symbol.
  • FF is the set of accepting or final states.

The thing worth to note is the transition function, it takes the current state QQ, input symbols Σ\Sigma, including the empty string ϵ\epsilon, and the current topmost symbol of the stack Γ\Gamma. When transitioning, the topmost symbol may or not be popped, a new state will be produced, and a new symbol may be pushed onto the stack.

For example, δ(q1,a,X)\delta(q_1, a, X) could yield a set of pairs {(q2,XY),(q3,YZ),(q4,ϵ)}\{(q_2, XY), (q_3, YZ), (q_4, \epsilon)\}, indicating that from state q1q_1 reading input symbol "a" while having "X" on topmost of the stack, the PDA could:

  • Transition to state q2q_2 with "XY" on the stack, meaning it pushes "Y" onto the stack.
  • Transition to state q3q_3 with "YZ" on the stack, meaning it pop "X", then pushes "YZ".
  • Transition to state q4q_4 with ϵ\epsilon on the stack, meaning it will pop "X" from the stack, leaving the stack to be empty.

We see that the primary difference between finite automaton and PDA is, a PDA takes extra argument (the stack symbol) and produce an output (modifying the stack).

In the case when the topmost stack is ϵ\epsilon or empty, then the stack is simply not being read or popped.


PDA example

The PDA should accept language with equal length of "0"'s and "1"'s.

In the video, the notation ϵ,ϵz0\epsilon, \epsilon \rightarrow z_0 denotes that the transition takes input ϵ\epsilon, pop symbol on the left-hand side, and push the symbol on right-hand side. A symbol ϵ\epsilon means the transition does nothing to the stack. An ϵ\epsilon on the left-hand side means the transition doesn't pop, while on right-hand side, it doesn't push.

In state q2q_2, upon receiving input "0", it checks if the topmost symbol is ϵ\epsilon. Because it is just ϵ\epsilon, then it does nothing. Then, on the right-hand side, there is a symbol "0", signifying that it should be pushed onto the stack. If the input is "1", it checks if "0" is the topmost symbol; if it is, then it should be popped. After that, on the right-hand side, this ϵ\epsilon denotes that nothing is pushed onto the stack.

The concept behind this PDA is that, in state q2q_2, we push as many "0"s as the input remains "0". Then, upon encountering "1" in the input, transition to state q3q_3 and start popping all the "0"s every time "1" is inputted. Upon reaching the final state q4q_4, the PDA checks if the stack is empty. If it is, we can conclude that the number of "0"s matches the number of "1"s. If not, it indicates that either too many "0"s or "1"s were pushed (due to inputting them in the input string), preventing them from being popped altogether, thus leaving the stack not empty.


Sometimes, the symbol z0z_0 is pushed at the beginning of the PDA and popped at the end of PDA. This symbol is used to indicate the last element on the stack.

PDA Even Palindrome

PDA example 2 part 1

This PDA should accept even-length palindrome, meaning the string length should be even, and it is palindrome, or can be read the same from the front or backward (e.g., try reversing the string "abba", we will obtain the same thing, but not with "abab").

The idea of this PDA is, in q2q_2, we push any symbol that appears on the input. After an empty input ϵ\epsilon is encountered in the middle, it means that we can transition to state q3q_3 and start popping the stack to check if the input is palindrome. In the q3q_3, anything we read as input will be popped from the stack. If the topmost symbol on the stack is not equal to the input, then the PDA will not transition to anywhere from the state q3q_3, indicating the string is not accepted.

As always, when the input is ϵ\epsilon again, we transition to state q4q_4 and check if the stack is empty (denoted by z0z_0 on top of the stack). If it is, then the string is accepted, as we have reached the final state.

For example, with the input "abab", we will have z0z_0, aa, and bb, respectively from the bottom of the stack.

However, the problem with this analysis is, how can we assume that an input is ϵ\epsilon or empty? Typically, input is ϵ\epsilon when we have reached at the end of the input, but in the PDA, we keep expecting for input even after the ϵ\epsilon transition from the q2q_2 to q3q_3.

PDA example 2 part 2

We can make assumption that ϵ\epsilon symbol appears before and after every input. After that, we can list all possible transition when input has or not ϵ\epsilon symbol. We will also include the current state and stack content for each of the path. If at least a single path exist in the list that leads from the start state to the final state, we can say that the PDA accepts the string.

This is similar to NFA, in which it is possible to transition to every path with any input and theoretically, each transition is done in parallel.

PDA example 2 part 3
Source: (combined images)


As said before, PDA can recognize all context-free languages. Given a context-free grammar, the grammar that governs context-free language, we can construct an equivalent PDA that recognizes the same language.

One way to convert from a CFG to PDA is, we can transform the CFG into a GNF first. This will simplify certain aspects of the conversion process, such as handling left-recursive productions.

The PDA simulates the derivation process of the CFG by using its stack from the start symbol to keep track of non-terminals and terminals. In the conversion of CFG in GNF to PDA, the stack will only contain non-terminals, because of the properties of GNF (non-terminals are always on the end of the right-hand side of the production rule).

Example of CFG to PDA part 1
Source: Book page 168

For example, given a grammar G=({S,A,B},{a,b},S,P)G = (\{S, A, B\}, \{a, b\}, S, P) and P={Sa,SaAB,AaA,Aa,BbB,Bb}P = \{S \rightarrow a, S \rightarrow aAB, A \rightarrow aA, A \rightarrow a, B \rightarrow bB, B \rightarrow b\}.

SaABS \rightarrow aAB means that we transform the start symbol into a terminal and two non-terminals. Converting this to PDA, the start symbol can be thought as the start of the stack. The non-terminals, which eventually will produce some terminals, act as the stack symbols. Lastly, the terminal, which is the building block of actual language, act as the input for the PDA. Therefore, the conversion to PDA from this particular derivation will result in a transition δ(q1,a,S){q1,AB}\delta(q_1, a, S) \rightarrow \{q_1, AB\}.

Example of CFG to PDA part 2
Source: Book page 168, 169


Component of PDA to CFG:

  • States: The states of PDA act as the non-terminals in CFG. This is because a state represent different stages of computation, which in turns is associated with specific derivation process.
  • Input: As explained before, the input act as the terminals of CFG, because it is what define a language itself.
  • Stack: Additional state or condition of the current derivation process.
  • Transitions: The transitions of the PDA are converted into production rules in the CFG.

Conversion of PDA to CFG

The video denotes notation like ApqA_{pq}, this represents a non-terminal that is produced from transitioning from state pp to qq. There will be non-terminal for every pair of states.


Before converting it, we should simplify the PDA first. The steps to simplify the PDA:

  1. PDA should be simplified (i.e., only have one final state). One way to simplify it is that, we unite all the final state into one common final state, where the input as well as the stack for transition is ϵ\epsilon.

    PDA to CFG step 1

  2. The PDA should begin with an empty stack and end with an empty stack before accepting. During the first transition, we can push a z0z_0 symbol onto the stack. This symbol acts as an indicator of the last symbol on the stack. Consequently, just before reaching the final state, we can check if z0z_0 is the last symbol on the stack. If it is, we pop it and advance to the final state, leaving the stack empty.

    Additionally, over the transition from beginning to end, we have to avoid stack underflow. It is a scenario where we pop from an empty stack. The stack start symbol z0z_0 must be pushed on the start, and popped at the end.

    PDA to CFG step 2

  3. Make sure the PDA either push or pop, but not both at the same time. If we are popping and pushing altogether, we can add extra transition that pop or push first then do the other. The input transition between them will be ϵ\epsilon, to make sure it can be done as same as the original transition. If it doesn't pop or push, we can add a dummy symbol that we push and then pop afterwards.

    PDA to CFG step 3

Conversion Rules

During the conversion of a PDA to CFG, especially when creating the production rules, there will be two cases happening, which will results in two forms of production rules.

PDA to CFG case 1

Case 1 will occur when there are more than two states, let's denote the beginning and the end as states pp and qq. The state pp accept some input, such as "a", and a symbol (call this "z") will be pushed onto the stack. The state qq accept input "b" and will eventually pop the "z".

During the transition, denoted by non-terminal ApqA_{pq}, we must have generated some string. It will be in the form of "a...b", because we started with "a" and ended "b" from the input of state pp and qq.

The states between them, denote them as rr and ss, where ArsA_{rs} represent the string generated from transitioning from state rr to ss. Keep in mind that during these transitions, "z" will stay in the stack.

The production rule for this particular case will be in the form of ApqaArsbA_{pq} \rightarrow aA_{rs}b. In other words, transitioning from state pp to qq will generate a string that starts and ends with terminals that are the same as the input of states pp and qq, as well as the string generated by the state transition between them, which is located in the middle.

PDA to CFG case 2

The case 2 happens when we encounter a state that pushes something to the stack, let's call this "w". Then, at some point during the middle of state transition, the "w" gets popped. Afterwards, different symbol, such as "p" get pushed.

If we call the state where the removal of "w" take place as "r", then the production rule for this case will be in the form of ApqAprArqA_{pq} \rightarrow A_{pr}A_{rq}. This is because during the transition from pp to qq, there will be addition and removal of symbols to and from the stack that will obviously pass to rr. Different string will be formed before and after rr.


Other thing to note, a self-loop transition that doesn't consume any input symbols and without making any changes to the stack will be in form of AppϵA_{pp} \rightarrow \epsilon.